Marketing 101 for startup founders and small business owners

So you're thinking about starting a business or you just launched one and you are ready to start bringing in customers and money.

But before you get too excited, I have a quick question for ya.

What is your marketing strategy looking like though?

If you didn't know, marketing is one of the keys to success for any startup or small business. Whether you have a B2B or B2C company, you're gonna be marketing to somebody, so it's important that you have a solid marketing strategy.

To help you better understand marketing, we linked up with Courtney Richardson who is the Creative Director PAPER Magazine. At PAPER, Courtney has produced effective brand and marketing campaigns, media-engaged events, thoughtful marketing strategies, and more.

In this video, Courtney breaks down:

  • The difference between marketing and branding
  • Common marketing mistakes founders make
  • Developing a brand marketing campaign
  • Market research
  • Establishing brand equity
  • Tools to help you beast your marketing goals

Let's get it!


Courtney Richardson is an ADCOLOR-nominated and two-time Shorty award-winning creative visionary who serves as Creative Director and Resident CultureExpert for PAPER Magazine.

At PAPER, Courtney leads original ideas and disruptive thinking on behalf of numerous brands and celebrities within pop culture, entertainment, beauty & fashion spaces.

Outside of PAPER Magazine, Courtney is the Founder of Do It For the Brand, a social collective whose mission is to ensure the cultural currency of Black and brown female voices across creative industries is uplifted, empowered, and activated.