Trying To Break Into A New Industry? Make These Tweaks To Your Resume In 30 Minutes Or Less!

Transitioning your career can be one of the most gut-wrenching and soul searching decisions you’ll ever make but once you do commit and embark on this journey, you’ll be glad you did!  

Also...did you know you’re nowhere near to being alone here?

“The average person will change careers 5-7 times during their career according to Career Change Statistics and with an ever-increasing number of career choices, 30% of the workforce will change careers or jobs every 12 months.”

So don’t sweat it.

We’ll use this article to guide you through the 2 tips you’ll need to present your resume in a way that highlights your skills (transferrable or not) and gets your foot in the door to interview.

Let’s start!

Step 1: Build Your Current & Past Experience Sections Using Job Descriptions

Download job descriptions of the positions you’d like to apply to. Let’s stick to ones at least 6 - 12 months old.

Once you have your job descriptions, pull your resume up and go through it line by line and see what lines can be added to it using the job description.

This is key because not only are you using the employer’s language but you’re also getting all the in keywords they use and highlighting the skills and responsibilities that are important to them.

Win. Win.

Next, go through the lines you just added from the job description and customize it to you!

For example, if the line says:

  • Responsible for liaising with different departments and presenting quarterly reports.

... then you can add

  • Responsible for liaising with Mogul Millennial Marketing, Operations, and Sales department as well as external-facing vendors i.e Career Contessa and TheMuse. In addition, presented quarterly and yearly results to the above-mentioned teams and Board of Directors for all quarters in 2016.

Super easy!

Now, let’s talk about the order of your bullet points.

Order of Bullet Points:

You’ll want to strategically rearrange the bullet points by moving the more relevant bullets to the top and the others to the bottom.

Now, even if 30% of your experience relates to this new role and so you feel uneasy listing them first, trust me here and still do it.

…..Why you ask?

Because Recruiters and Hiring Managers have short attention spans and need to see pertinent information first… be strategic and bite the bullet here.

You’re not lying.

You’re just not wasting their time.

You have one shot.

Use it.

Cool, now let’s talk about your job titles!

Step 2: Get Creative With Your Job Titles By Making Use of Parentheses

Let’s start with an example.

Let’s say you are hoping to transition into a Data Analyst role but currently, you function as a PM (Project Manager) that occasionally helps out the Data Analytics Team and also sometimes uses data to execute your project management responsibilities.

If we had to designate a percentage to that then... about 70% of your role is strictly Project Management related while 30% of it is DA...right?

So,  this is a great opportunity to re-title yourself on your resume and better reflect that break down of responsibilities while also being more competitive and ensuring you get that interview request.

Here’s the title change I would suggest:

  • Project Manager (Data Analytics) or Project & Data Management Associate


Making this tweak to your title increases your odds of landing an interview, where you’ll then get more opportunity to speak to the data aspects of your role.

For example, during the interview is where you can share that your title is actually of a Project Manager but you use data analytics often and wanted that to be reflected in your resume and online presence…. So no sweat.

Got it….well guess what yall..?

This is it really.
This is how most job seekers transition their career….and get paid BANK.

And live their dream.

This (Their) is you.

You. We’re speaking of you.

Now, if you’d like a few additional steps then keep reading!

When you start interviewing, try taking on more responsibilities related to the role you’re trying to transition into either through your current employer, church or friend group.

Helping out with a friend’s business or even just working for your parents is a GREAT (i.e THE BEST)  way to add experience to your resume.

Everyone does it *cough* everyone.

All you’ll need to do is make sure that person /company has a company page on LinkedIn and then you can add it to your experience section.

Remember you did the work right? So it deserves to be listed too.

In summary….remember to:

1. Use job descriptions to build your experience section. Reorder the bullet points strategically.

2. And….get creative while still being truthful with your title.

If you have any questions about this or just want to share your Career Pivot success story - tweet us or send us a DM here @mogulmillennial or IG @mogulmillennial