Have you ever thought about the possibilities if you were to just take that leap and follow your passion?

You could probably take some notes from designer Everett Evans.
This freelance graphic artist, full-time student at Louisiana State University, and serial entrepreneur took his skills and love of fashion to create his luxury fashion line CHALEUR or “HEAT” in French. #MOGULGOALS
Just 3 months after launching content for his luxury brand, CHALEUR was featured in British Vogue and debuted in New Orleans Fashion Week.

A crisp digital presence is the key to success, according to Evans. “3 months after I built the website, a rep from British Vogue reached out about how they loved the aesthetics of the brand and wanted to feature my designs.” And the rest, as they say, is history.

As the brand began building a global audience across the seas, CHALEUR gained the attention of Tracee Dundas, founder of New Orleans Fashion Week (NOFW). The fashion veteran reached out to Evans to debut his designs during the 2019 NOFW. Dundas founded NOFW in 2011 to allow regional professionals in the fashion industry to show off their talents.
Preparation plus opportunity certainly served Evans and the CHALEUR brand well.
But this was no easy event to put together. Evans had about 4 weeks to gather a team, fit models, and design custom pieces for the line.“This experience challenged me to think beyond graphic design and think more like a stylist.” said Evans.

He gathered a team that included Baton Rouge artist Bryson Boutte (@thelastbryson), stylist Juwan Torregano (@jaee_torri), and alterations specialist Brianna Micah (@bmfh.us) to bring his looks to life and bring the HEAT to fashion week. Evans credits collaboration and the support of close friends and family as the true recipe for success.
“That’s my favorite part of this business. Being able to be inclusive and creating opportunities for other people with a vision,” said Evans. “I aspire to inspire. That’s why I hustle.”
What’s next for this mogul millennial?
Evans is planning a release for CHALEUR in 2020, tapping into the influencer marketing scene, and continuing to push out content for the upcoming launch.
For more information on the CHALEUR release and Everett Evans Designs visit https://www.chaleurbrand.com/ or https://www.everetteevansdesigns.com/.