Need money for your biz but don't want to raise venture capital?

A lack of money is one of the most critical reasons why startups fail. Crowdfunding is a great way to bring your biz idea to life, raise money, build community, attract potential customers, and increase awareness about your brand.

The CEO of Kiddie Kredit Evan Leaphart has experience raising startup capital through crowdfunding. In this lesson, Evan breaks down:

  • What exactly crowdfunding is
  • The different types of crowdfunding tactics that exist
  • How to build and maintain momentum in your crowdfunding campaign
  • Tips on developing a prelaunch strategy for your campaign
  • How to move when your crowdfunding campaign ends

Let's get into it!


Evan is the CEO and founder of Kiddie Kredit. Kiddie Kredit is a mobile chore tracking app designed to teach kids about the importance of financial literacy. Evan also creates online curriculums for schools, organizations, and families to use alongside Kiddie Kredit. He combines a passion for financial literacy and innovation with a commitment to solving real problems that help the community around him.

Evan is also the co-founder of Black Men Talk Tech, which is an entrepreneurship collective that promotes collaboration between Black men and other members of the tech ecosystem. Black Men Talk Tech’s mission is to create a vicious cycle of access, insights, capital, and inclusion for Black men in tech.