Let's be real.

As a business owner, you have to be passionate about what you do, but you also have to make money because passion doesn’t pay the bills.

If your business is not making money and you're not on a clear path to bringing in revenue, you're spending time on a hobby (and something tells me you want a business, not a hobby).

Serial entrepreneur Jacques Bastien has launched and developed successful monetization strategies for several brands. Currently, Jacques is the CEO of Boogie Brands (the company behind boogie.co, shade.co, nappy.co, and Snappy).

After spending over 11 years starting, growing, and selling multiple businesses, Jacques now helps entrepreneurs build their own. Here on Mogul, Jacques is dropping gems on monetizing your business including:

  • Business models to know
  • How to develop a pricing model
  • What you should know about profit margins
  • Monetization terms you should know
  • What he's learned about monetization as a serial entrepreneur


Jacques Bastien is a serial entrepreneur, college professor, and the CEO of Boogie Brands; the company behind boogie.co, shade.co, nappy.co, and Snappy.

After spending the last 11 years starting, growing, and selling multiple businesses, Jacques now helps entrepreneurs build their own.