Today, I want to introduce you to someone who is truly defining what it means to be a Mogul Millennial! Have you ever thought twice about traveling because of your weight? Have you ever hesitated to post that beach selfie on IG because you might not love the way you look? No more! I want you to meet the man who is leading the charge to help plus sized people travel through body positivity and education!

Meet Jeff Jenkins, Founder, and CEO of Chubby Diaries, a digital media company focused on inspiring and empowering plus sized travelers to see the world! Jeff is one of the most extraordinary people you will ever meet. He cares so deeply for people around him, which shows in his work with Chubby Diaries! The Orlando native currently lives in Austin with his amazing wife Denisha.

Read on to learn more about Jeff and the Chubby Diaries!

What is your greatest passion?

Jeff Jenkins on a trip to China!

My greatest passion is to inspire and encourage people! That is why I started Chubby Diaries. I saw a population of people who were excluded from the travel industry and I set out to inspire!

What is the greatest lesson you have learned?

All my life I felt that I was supposed to be or do what others deemed fit and acceptable so my greatest lesson I’ve learned is that I don’t have to wait for or get permission from anybody to walk out what I feel like I should be doing.

What is one thing you know that every other business owner should know?

Consistently serving people and their needs will make you a successful business owner. Your business should solve a problem for people. You should be in the people business no matter what you are selling or have created.

What is Chubby Diaries going to do that has not been done yet?

Helping Chubby, Fat, Curvy,  Big, Plus size People travel the world! We are going to revolutionize the travel industry, by making it more accessible for larger people to travel and become the representation in spaces (mainstream media) where plus size people are not represented.

Where did you get the idea to start Chubby Diaries?

I wanted to be a travel blogger and most folks said hey you should pick a niche, I was given 3 questions that help you discover what your niche is. After completing the questionnaire, I realized one thing that was unique about me is that I am a big guy who travels all over the world (I’m a Unicorn). So that made me ask the question of “Why aren’t there more of us traveling?” Found out fear and a lack of accessibility was the issue. This then sparked the idea of Chubby Diaries!

How do you see Chubby Diaries providing solutions to the plus-size travel pipeline/industry?

One, we get to be that conduit between brands and consumers. Two, we can bring solutions by creating quality content that informs and inspires people. Three, we provide plus size friendly trips around the world that anyone can enjoy!

Chubby Diaries in Antigua, Guatemala.

To learn more about Chubby Diaries, check out the website and follow Jeff on Instagram @chubbydiaries_

#BlackMillennial #Travel #Mogul #ChubbyDiaries #blogger #entrepreneur #Jeff Jenkins #Plus-sized travel